7 Tips on Eating Healthy (That Won’t Make You Miserable)

In this past I have tried all types of diets, most of those making me miserable and hungry. I would give up within a week and end up eating more than before to indulge on what I thought I missed out on. This type of yo-yo dieting is good for no one. It weakens the metabolism and confuses the body.  I have had many people ask me what kind of food I eat to stay fit so I am gonna share with you the tips that I have learned that make eating healthy fun and easy for me.

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What I mean by this is a variety of foods and a variety of ways to cook the foods.  How many people just eat the same veggies over and over? Green beans, carrots and broccoli can get pretty boring, real quick.  Mix it up! There are so many delicious and beneficial foods waiting to be tried like spaghetti squash, kale, and quinoa. You should have a variety of fruits, veggies, grain and protein in every meal. Some veggies can be pretty bland, not gonna lie I have a hard time eating steamed zucchini or Brussels sprouts. It is all about how you cook them. Brussels sprouts can be so delicious if roasted with olive oil, red pepper and salt and maybe a little bacon for flavor (shh I won’t tell if you don’t). Fresh string beans are amazing when sauteed in olive oil with salt, pepper and a drizzle of honey.  Zucchini can even be made into brownies, believe it or not and you wont even know it. These are just a few examples. I will put a few of my favorite recipes down below if you are interested.

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Portion control:

This one is very important and can be modified depending on what your fitness goals are. Ex: Someone wanting to bulk up in muscle would need to increase their protein and grains whereas someone wanting to lose weight would want to increase veggies and lean proteins and decrease grains. So my goal is to lose weight and tone. The ratio of my plate tends to be 50% full with veggies, with 25% with protein, and 25% with grain. The portion sizes tend to be about one cup of veggies, a half a cup of protein , and one forth a cup of grain. It doesn’t have to be exact,  it’s not like I measure every meal. This is just to give you an idea of what I mean. This rule also goes for splurges. If you are gonna indulge in a cheat meal, control yourself! Only eat enough to subdue the craving.

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Use herbs and Spices to your advantage:

Many underestimate the power of herbs. I try to eat cinnamon everyday because it is known to boost your metabolism; ginger can boost immune system, Cayenne pepper reduces appetite, garlic improves heart health, and turmeric has anti-inflammatory properties. These are just a few examples plus they make your food go from bland to yummy in seconds.


Snack throughout the day:

The last thing you want when eating healthy is to constantly feel hungry which leads to crash dieting.  Snacking often can combat that and also boost your metabolism. Now I am not talking Chips Ahoy and Doritos.  It could be fruit, a rice cake with peanut butter and honey (which is loaded with antioxidants), a handful of nuts or raisins, or even a piece of hard cheese. Get creative with it.

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Avoid processed foods:

I am gonna keep this one simple. Try to eat all natural foods without harsh chemicals or additives. The human body wasn’t made to digest man-made preservatives or trans fat. That is why it’s so hard to burn those calories off.  The human body was made for the foods on earth given to us by God. They were made to keep us healthy and sustain us so let’s take advantage of that.

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Hydrate hydrate, hydrate:

Your body needs water and lots of it, not soda or sweet tea (though sweet tea is okay in moderation). Water is your body’s way of filtering what does not belong. Also it can suppress your appetite, give you energy, and oddly enough can rid you of water weight.

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It’s okay to cheat sometimes:

To be honest, I don’t think I’ll ever be strong enough to resist ice cream or cheesecake. that would be a sad life.  After all, you have earned it with all your hard work exercising and eating clean. Allow yourself either one cheat meal per week or a small cheat snack a day, like one scoop of ice cream or a piece of candy. Don’t forget portion size is important.  You could always modify your favorite foods to be a bit more healthy too. You name it, Pinterest should have a healthy recipe for it. Most of all have fun and enjoy yourself because that’s what eating healthy should be about.


Here are the links to my favorite recipes

Spaghetti Squash

Garlic Mashed Cauliflower

Zucchini Brownies

Maple Roasted Brussels Sprouts


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